SQL Server Format Function: Everything You Need to Know : cybexhosting.net

Hi there! If you’re looking to learn more about the SQL Server Format function, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the format function and its various uses, covering everything from syntax to examples. By the end of this article, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of this essential SQL Server function.

What is the SQL Server Format Function?

The SQL Server Format function is a string formatting function that allows you to manipulate the format of a given value to a specific string format. It is a built-in function in SQL Server, and it is mostly used to convert date, time, and numeric data types into specific string formats. The Format function was first introduced in SQL Server 2012, and it has since become an essential tool for SQL developers and database administrators.


The syntax of the Format function is as follows:

Format Function Description
FORMAT(value, format [, culture ]) The value is the expression to be formatted. The format is the string format to be applied to the value. The culture is an optional parameter and specifies the culture-specific format.

Let’s break down this syntax to understand what each parameter does:

  • Value: This parameter represents the value that you want to format. It can be of any data type, including numeric, datetime, or string.
  • Format: This parameter specifies the format that you want to apply to the value. It is a string literal that contains placeholders that will be replaced with the formatted value.
  • Culture: This parameter is optional and specifies the culture-specific format to be applied to the value. If you omit this parameter, the function will use the culture of the current session.


Let’s take a look at some examples of how the SQL Server Format function can be used:

Example 1:

Suppose you have a column in your database table that contains dates in the format of ‘yyyy-MM-dd’. You want to format this date column to display the month and day in the format of ‘MM/dd’. Here’s how you can use the Format function to achieve this:

SELECT FORMAT(OrderDate, 'MM/dd') AS FormattedDate FROM Orders

This query will result in a table that displays the OrderDate column formatted to the ‘MM/dd’ format.


Example 2:

Suppose you have a column in your database table that contains currency values stored as decimal types. You want to format these values to display with a currency symbol and two decimal places. Here’s how you can use the Format function to achieve this:

SELECT FORMAT(UnitPrice, 'C2') AS FormattedPrice FROM Products

This query will result in a table that displays the UnitPrice column formatted to the currency format with two decimal places.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can the Format function be used to format string values?

A: Yes, the Format function can be used to format string values. However, it is primarily used to format numeric, datetime, and timespan values.

Q: Can I use the Format function to convert a string value to a datetime value?

A: No, the Format function cannot be used to convert a string value to a datetime value. However, you can use the CAST or CONVERT functions to convert a string value to a datetime value.

Q: Can I use the Format function to convert a datetime value to a string?

A: Yes, you can use the Format function to convert a datetime value to a string. You can specify various string formats to display the date and time in different ways.

Q: Does the culture parameter affect the Format function’s output?

A: Yes, the culture parameter affects the Format function’s output. Different cultures have different date, time, and currency formats. If you want to display the formatted value in a specific culture’s format, you can specify the culture parameter.

Q: Can I use the Format function in SQL Server 2008?

A: No, the Format function was first introduced in SQL Server 2012, so it is not available in earlier versions of SQL Server. If you’re using SQL Server 2008 or earlier, you can use other string formatting functions, such as CONVERT or CAST.


The SQL Server Format function is an essential tool for SQL developers and database administrators who work with date, time, and numeric data types. It allows you to format your data in specific string formats, making it easier to read and manipulate. In this article, we covered everything you need to know about the Format function, including its syntax, examples, and frequently asked questions. We hope this article has been helpful in improving your SQL Server skills and knowledge!

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