Mobile Legends Tricks: Master the Game with These 20 Tips :

Welcome, fellow Mobile Legends players! If you’re looking to up your game and dominate the competition, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll be sharing 20 advanced Mobile Legends tricks and strategies that pros use to gain an edge over their opponents. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned veteran, these tips will help you improve your gameplay and climb the ranks of Mobile Legends.

Table of Contents

Trick 1: Map Awareness and Vision Control Trick 6: Jungle Control and Farming Trick 11: Hero Selection and Counterpicks Trick 16: Teamfight Strategies and Positioning
Trick 2: Rotation and Ganking Trick 7: Split Pushing and Lane Pressure Trick 12: Itemization and Builds Trick 17: Communication and Shotcalling
Trick 3: Wave Management and Minion Control Trick 8: Objective Control and Timing Trick 13: Skill Combination and Execution Trick 18: Mental and Emotional Preparation
Trick 4: Vision and Bush Control Trick 9: Hero Roles and Responsibilities Trick 14: Team Composition and Synergy Trick 19: Analyzing and Learning from Replays
Trick 5: Timing and Cooldown Management Trick 10: Map Awareness and Objective Prioritization Trick 15: Adaptation and Flexibility Trick 20: Practice and Improvement

Trick 1: Map Awareness and Vision Control

Map awareness is one of the most important skills in Mobile Legends. It allows you to track the movements of your enemies and allies, anticipate ganks and ambushes, and make informed decisions about where to go and what to do. Here are some tips for improving your map awareness:

1.1: Use the Mini-Map

The mini-map is your best friend in Mobile Legends. It shows you the locations of all the heroes and objectives on the map, as well as the paths and terrain features. Make sure to keep an eye on the mini-map at all times, and pay attention to any changes in the enemy’s movements.

1.2: Warding and Vision Control

Warding and vision control are crucial aspects of map awareness. By placing wards in strategic locations, you can gain vision of the enemy’s movements and prevent ganks and ambushes. Here are some tips for effective warding:

1.2.1: Warding Spots

There are several key locations where you should place wards to gain maximum vision of the map:

Location Purpose
River Brush Prevent ganks from the river
Enemy Jungle Entrances Track enemy jungle movements and prevent invades
Dragon and Baron Pit Gain vision of objectives and prevent steals

1.2.2: Vision Denial

Denying the enemy’s vision is just as important as gaining your own. By destroying the enemy’s wards and using stealth abilities, you can make it harder for them to track your movements and execute ganks and ambushes. Here are some tips for effective vision denial:

  • Use sweepers and vision-reducing abilities to clear the enemy’s wards
  • Avoid walking through areas that are likely to be warded
  • Use stealth abilities to avoid detection and set up ambushes

1.3: Analyzing Map Information

Map awareness is not just about seeing the locations of the heroes and objectives on the map. It’s also about interpreting that information and making decisions based on it. Here are some tips for analyzing map information:

  • Pay attention to the movements of the enemy heroes and anticipate their next moves
  • Look for opportunities to gank or ambush the enemy heroes
  • Track the respawn timers of the objectives and plan your movements accordingly

1.4: Conclusion

Map awareness and vision control are essential skills for any Mobile Legends player. By improving your map awareness, you can make better decisions, avoid ganks and ambushes, and gain an edge over your opponents. Keep practicing and refining your map awareness skills, and you’ll soon be dominating the competition.

Trick 2: Rotation and Ganking

Rotation and ganking are two important aspects of Mobile Legends gameplay. By rotating effectively and executing ganks successfully, you can gain a significant advantage over your opponents. Here are some tips for improving your rotation and ganking skills:

2.1: Timing and Coordination

Effective rotation and ganking require good timing and coordination with your team. Here are some tips for improving your timing and coordination:

  • Communicate with your team about your intentions and movements
  • Coordinate your ganks with your team’s abilities and ultimates
  • Time your rotations to coincide with the respawn timers of the objectives

2.2: Map Awareness and Vision Control

Map awareness and vision control are also important for successful rotations and ganks. By gaining vision of the enemy’s movements and anticipating their actions, you can set up effective ganks and avoid being caught out of position. Here are some tips for improving your map awareness and vision control:

  • Use wards to gain vision of the enemy’s movements
  • Anticipate the enemy’s rotations and movements based on the information on the mini-map
  • Communicate with your team about the enemy’s movements and intentions

2.3: Target Selection and Execution

Choosing the right targets and executing ganks effectively are key to success in Mobile Legends. Here are some tips for selecting targets and executing ganks:

  • Choose targets that are out of position or vulnerable
  • Coordinate your abilities and ultimates to maximize damage and control
  • Use terrain and vision to your advantage to set up effective ganks

2.4: Conclusion

Rotation and ganking are important skills for any Mobile Legends player. By improving your timing, coordination, map awareness, and execution, you can gain an edge over your opponents and dominate the game. Keep practicing and refining your rotation and ganking skills, and you’ll soon be climbing the ranks of Mobile Legends.

Trick 3: Wave Management and Minion Control

Wave management and minion control are often overlooked aspects of Mobile Legends gameplay. However, they can have a significant impact on the outcome of the game. By managing waves effectively and controlling minions, you can gain an advantage in gold and experience, push lanes, and take objectives. Here are some tips for improving your wave management and minion control:

3.1: Freezing and Pushing Waves

Freezing and pushing waves are two key strategies for managing waves effectively. Here’s how they work:

3.1.1: Freezing Waves

Freezing waves involves holding the wave near your tower and denying the enemy minions. This can be useful for denying the enemy laner gold and experience, setting up ganks, and keeping the lane in a safe position. Here’s how to freeze waves effectively:

  • Only last hit minions to keep the wave near your tower
  • Use your abilities to control the minion wave and prevent it from pushing
  • Be aware of the enemy’s movements and anticipate ganks

3.1.2: Pushing Waves

Pushing waves involves clearing enemy minions quickly and pushing the wave towards the enemy tower. This can be useful for applying pressure to the enemy laner, taking objectives, and rotating to other lanes. Here’s how to push waves effectively:

  • Use your abilities to clear minions quickly and efficiently
  • Coordinate with your team to take objectives after pushing the wave
  • Be aware of the enemy’s movements and anticipate counterattacks

3.2: Minion Control and Last Hitting

Controlling minions and last hitting are important skills for gaining gold and experience in Mobile Legends. Here are some tips for improving your minion control and last hitting:

  • Try to last hit every minion for maximum gold and experience
  • Use your abilities to clear minions quickly and efficiently
  • Be aware of the enemy’s movements and anticipate ganks

3.3: Conclusion

Wave management and minion control are important skills for any Mobile Legends player. By managing waves effectively and controlling minions, you can gain an advantage in gold and experience, push lanes, and take objectives. Keep practicing and refining your wave management and minion control skills, and you’ll soon be dominating the competition.

Trick 4: Vision and Bush Control

Vision and bush control are important aspects of Mobile Legends gameplay. By gaining vision of the enemy’s movements and controlling bushes, you can set up effective ganks, prevent ambushes, and gain an advantage in teamfights. Here are some tips for improving your vision and bush control:

4.1: Warding and Vision Control

Warding and vision control are crucial aspects of vision and bush control. By placing wards in strategic locations and denying the enemy’s vision, you can gain information about the enemy’s movements and set up effective ganks. Here are some tips for effective warding and vision control:

  • Place wards in key locations to gain vision of the enemy’s movements
  • Use sweepers and vision-reducing abilities to clear the enemy’s wards
  • Be aware of the enemy’s movements and anticipate their actions

4.2: Bush Control and Ambushing

Bush control and ambushing are also important for gaining an advantage in Mobile Legends. By controlling bushes and setting up ambushes, you can catch the enemy off guard and gain an advantage in teamfights. Here are some tips for effective bush control and ambushing:

  • Use vision and wards to gain control of key bushes
  • Coordinate with your team to set up ambushes and catch the enemy off guard
  • Be aware of the enemy’s movements and anticipate their actions

4.3: Conclusion

Vision and bush control are important skills for any Mobile Legends player. By improving your warding, vision control, bush control, and ambushing skills, you can gain an advantage in teamfights, prevent ambushes, and set up effective ganks. Keep practicing and refining your vision and bush control skills, and you’ll soon be dominating the competition.

Trick 5: Timing and Cooldown Management

Timing and cooldown management are important skills in Mobile Legends. By timing your abilities and managing your cooldowns effectively, you can gain an advantage in teamfights, take objectives, and win the game. Here are some tips for improving your timing and cooldown management skills:

5.1: Ability Timing and Cooldown Management

Timing your abilities and managing your cooldowns effectively is key to success in Mobile Legends. Here are some tips for improving your ability timing and cooldown management skills: